Sunday, December 30, 2007

Post Partum Depression

Someone asked me if I had the "baby blues" and I told them no, but I may have been wrong. I'm very happy about the baby and I feel even closer as a family, but I cry at the drop of a hat now. I'm not sure if this fits into the category of hormonal readjustment or post partum depression. My husband is keeping a close watch on me though LOL. He just wants to make sure I'm stable minded. Well if any thing changes in my feelings other than the crying spells I will let you gals know.

Cesarean Healing

I'm finally feeling better from the cesarean. It was very difficult for the first 2 weeks because a blood clot was sitting directly on my incision and swelling had appeared. There was limited walking and very painful mornings when trying to get out of bed. Thankfully my husband has been there to support me all the way through this. FMLA leave is a blessing indeed. The pain and swelling has diminished greatly. Today I only had to take one pain pill and that was an 800mg Ibuprofen. I'm getting better slowly but surely. My darling daughter Patty is thriving. She is breastfeeding vigorously and following all the milestones for a little person of 2 weeks old. Her umbilical cord fell off yesterday from all the alcohol washings so we decided to give her a real baby bath today. Although she enjoyed it, I still feel as if she is too little and I'm going back to sponge baths until she is bigger. I never knew I would feel so much love for one person. She is just what I dreamed she would be.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Baby Lullaby

This song put baby Patty to sleep last night. I've never thought of it as a lullaby, but it calmed her down and had her snoozing in no time.

Kum ba yah, my Lord, kum ba yah!
Kum ba yah, my Lord, kum ba yah!
Kum ba yah, my Lord, kum ba yah!
O Lord, kum ba yah!

Someone’s laughing, Lord, kum ba yah!
Someone’s laughing, Lord, kum ba yah!
Someone’s laughing, Lord, kum ba yah!
O Lord, kum ba yah!

Someone’s crying, Lord, kum ba yah!
Someone’s crying, Lord, kum ba yah!
Someone’s crying, Lord, kum ba yah!
O Lord, kum ba yah!

Someone’s praying, Lord, kum ba yah!
Someone’s praying, Lord, kum ba yah!
Someone’s praying, Lord, kum ba yah!
O Lord, kum ba yah!

Someone’s singing, Lord, kum ba yah!
Someone’s singing, Lord, kum ba yah!
Someone’s singing, Lord, kum ba yah!
O Lord, kum ba yah!

Kum ba yah, my Lord, kum ba yah!
Kum ba yah, my Lord, kum ba yah!
Kum ba yah, my Lord, kum ba yah!
O Lord, kum ba yah!

The Lullaby player


Yesterday during our Christmas celebration, my brand new daughter, Patty, developed a severe case of conjunctivitis. One of my sisters, who has five children, told me to gently wipe her eye with a warm cloth to keep it clean until I could call the pediatrician. Being insecure, I consulted some websites which confirmed what she said and also mentioned that the infection usually clears up on its own within a week. However I also noted that using cotton balls and throwing them after each use was more sanitary. Some of the websites explained that one form of conjunctivitis was caused by the baby scratching his/her eye and transferring bacteria. Well I had filed her nails, but she was still scratching at her eyes a lot, so my husband covered her hands with mittens. I was extremely worried all night and considered just going to the emergency room, but we kept gently wiping with warm water to keep the debris out of her eye. Lo and behold by 9:00 this morning, her right eye was clean and clear. It's now 4:00 in the after noon and there is not a slimy eye booger in site. WHEW!

Friday, December 21, 2007


The doctor attempted to turn the baby (which was excrutiating) but she turned right back around. I was hooked up to an IV and urinary catheter, then whisked away to an operating room for a spinal block to prepare for a recommended cesarean. A anesthesia was administered and I lost all feeling from the chest down. Of course during all of this my blood pressure was sky rocketing and I was shaking like a leaf. I think I may have been having an anxiety attack. Fortunately my husband was right there with me holding my hand. After they removed her from my uterus and checked her vitals, my husband took a few pictures and then he accompanied the baby and staff to the nursery where she was dressed. Still I had not physically seen my precious daughter. I was rolled back to my room and waited a good 30 minutes until my husband and child were returned to me. Even though most of my birth plan was thrown out the window due to circumstances, the hospital staff was excellent. Every one was very kind and helpful during my week long stay. The only complaint that I have is one nurse who was a bit overzealous. She insisted that I was starving the baby because I was not producing enough milk. Thankfully no one else had this opinion, including the pediatrician. I'm now home breastfeeding very successfully.
P.S. I will share in the next couple of days why she could not turn :-(

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Cesearean or C-section Maybe

I'm becoming very anxious about Monday. I've decided to read a bit about the process of a cesarean in case I am required to have one. I'm comfortable in knowing that my doctor performs the "bikini cut." The incision will run the length of my ring finger to my wrist. That isn't very large at all. I fully understand that this is major surgery, but the consequences of not having one might be deadly for me and the baby. If the umbilical cord is squeezed because of the complete breech position, little oxygen is delivered to the baby and brain damage may result. That reason alone is enough to make me realize that it's worth me being cut and confined for a few weeks. I plan to be back by the end of the week, so don't worry if there aren't any posts for a few days. Here is a good read if you are going through a similar experience.

The Essential C-Section Guide: Pain Control, Healing at Home, Getting Your Body Back and Everything Else Youneed to Know about a Cesarean Birth

Friday, December 14, 2007

Breech Baby

On Monday at 6AM I will be admitted to the hospital. The doctor will attempt to turn the baby around and hope for the best. After talking with my husband, we decided that I will have a cesarean if the ecv does not work. Going into labor at home while the baby is coming butt first, not only puts the baby's life in danger but mine as well. I am full term and the baby is descending through my pelvis in a complete breech position. The heart beat is still strong and there is plenty of amniotic fluid, but the presence of a fibroid may be the reason the baby is not able to establish a head down position. Although I feel some sadness and a lot of anxiety, I know that I'm in God's hands.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Appointment Rescheduled

Well the baby has changed position. Instead of being feet first, he/she is butt first. ARGH! The doctor has rescheduled the external cephalic version (manually turning baby) for Monday at 6AM in the morning. I will be given the choice to use anesthesia in the form of an epidural during this procedure or bear the pain. I'm going to start out with no medication and see what takes place. I have been in pain for 3 days now but it seems to be due to the booty of my baby sitting deep in the pelvis. Please continue to pray for me.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Breast Milk Tips

I'm a little stressed because my doctor was out sick today. Hopefully this is divine intervention in answering my prayers about the birth of my child. Any way, while I was in Walmart I bought a few baby bottles for when I need to leave the baby with a sitter. I found some very good tips about storing breastmilk that I want to share.

"10 Tips for Pumping and Storing Breast Milk

Here are 10 tips from the American Academy of Pediatrics about safe storage of breast milk:

  1. Always wash your hands before expressing or handling breast milk.
  2. Store breast milk in jars with tight-fitting lids, or nursery plastic bags. Do not store milk in ordinary plastic bags or formula bags.
  3. Discard all milk that has been refrigerated more than 72 hours.
  4. If you freeze milk, keep it at 0 degrees for three to six months of storage.
  5. Try to freeze your milk in single servings -- roughly 2 to 4 ounces -- the average amount needed for one feeding.
  6. Do not add fresh milk to milk that has been frozen.
  7. To thaw frozen milk, let it stand in the refrigerator, or place the container in a bowl of warm water.
  8. Never use a microwave oven to defrost milk, or heat it to feed your baby. The heating is frequently uneven and can scald your baby's mouth and tongue. Plus, high heat can destroy some of the nutrients in the milk.
  9. Never refreeze breast milk. Discard what your baby doesn't finish in a feeding; milk that is thawed in a refrigerator should be used in 24 hours.
  10. Do not save milk from a used bottle or refrigerate what your baby didn't finish for a later feeding."


Monday, December 10, 2007

Baby Shower

The baby shower was Saturday. There are a lot of things that I could say, but I won't. However I did get plenty of diapers and other useful baby items. I'm making a lot of preparations and praying that God will help me through this process. On Sunday I talked to the pastor about the christening and baby dedication. This will be an exciting time for my family to come together for a joyous occasion.
As for the medical side of things, the baby still hasn't turned head down so I'm a bit anxious about Tuesday. The obgyn is going to attempt an external cephalic version and hopefully I can avoid a cesarean. To inspire some happy thoughts, I have included a few pictures today. Below is the nursery, pack n play, and the baby travel system (3 in 1).

Friday, December 7, 2007

Slow Day

Today was filled with nausea and sleeping. Hopefully this shall pass by morning.

P.S. I'm getting a list ready of REAL work at home jobs prepared. So keep your eyes open moms.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Monumental Prenatal Visit

Over the past several weeks I insisted that my baby was not head down. My Doula and OBGYN kept saying "Oh it's probably the baby's butt." Today I specifically asked the doctor to check if I was dilated. So with hesitancy he did so. To his surprise he felt an arm where the head should have been. Next he performed an ultrasound and informed me that the baby was breech. I told him that during my birth the doctor stuck his hand into my mother and turned me around. Of course he said most doctors don't do that any more. He informed me that I have 3 choices.
1. We can wait and see if the baby turns on its own during the onset of natural labor (Any time now).
2. He can attempt to turn the baby next Tuesday and induce me on Wednesday.
3. He can perform a cesarean.

I chose option two because he has already told me that I cannot sit around the house and wait until my labor is 5-10 minutes apart since my test for group Strep B is positive. He has also recommended an epidural since the induction will create more pain than natural labor. There goes my birth plan.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Pregnancy Blues

The baby must be preparing to enter the world soon. I'm nauseous, I have lower abdominal pain and pressure, "loose bowels," and can't get a wink of sleep. I am truly miserable. However I know that once my little bundle of joy arrives that it will be all worth it. I hope my husband doesn't mind making a sandwich or eating soup tonight. I am in no condition or mood to cook. I'm just praying that I go into labor once the baby shower is over on Saturday.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Thanks but No Thanks Auntie

I told you the other day that my sister decided she would start coming to my home to make sure that someone was here in case I went into labor. Keep in mind that I directly requested that none of my family be present until the baby is born. I do not want extra stress from their personal horror stories during my labor. Well I guess the fact that she lives more than an hour away has not deterred her because she showed up unannounced at my home today. My husband took the day off because he wasn't feeling well and I was about to go to the store with my neighbor. I talked with my sister for a few minutes then informed her that I was just about to step out. She told me that I must have an epidural so that I do not pass out and requested that I print directions from her home to the hospital. UGH!!! I kindly told her that I would give them to her at the baby shower. I am seriously considering asking my doctor for an induction so that I can avoid her. I can't tell her no if she is here when I start labor because she will drive me to the hospital. If I say she can't come in after we get there, she will act as if I have committed a sin. What is a new mother to do?

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Labor & Delivery Stages

Saturday my husband and I went to an accelerated lamaze class from 9AM to 4PM. Things started out with the classic comedian act of Bill Cosby discussing the birth of his child and ended with deep breathing techniques. In between I picked up a lot of information about what to possibly expect. Below is just a snippet of what I need to expect.

Early Labor (7 to 8 hours) Some Pain
-contractions about 5-15 minutes apart
-feeling anxious
-notify your doctor and parnter
Try not to use your breathing techniques yet. Stick to clear liquids and only do "light" activities.

Active Labor (1 to 4 hours) Very Painful
-less talkative
-contractions 3-4 minutes apart
-feeling annoyed and unable to relax
-needs support person by your side
Begin your breathing techniques and ask for a massage. Change positions as much as needed.

Transition (1/2 to 2 1/2 hours Beyond Pain
-may cry, shake, or scream
-contractions every 1-2 minutes apart
-feeling an urge to "go to the bathroom"
-there may be burping, farting, pooping
Maintain eye contact with your partner, use breathing techniques and listen to the medical staff.

Of course I will write about many of the other things that we have learned, but these 3 stages have given me a good idea of how the situation may progress.

Friday, November 30, 2007

Imposing on the Baby's Birth

My sister informed me today that she would be visiting twice a week until the baby is born. She lives an hour away and I certainly did not make this suggestion. Although this sounds like a supportive family member, I have a feeling that she wants to be at the hospital when the baby is born. I have specifically said that I do not want any one there except my husband and doula. Oh well, we will see how things goes.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

List for Prenatal Visits

I'm at the point now that I write down all my questions before I go to the doctor's office. Instead of trying to remember 4 different problems, such as a rash, fetal movement, abdominal pain, or anything else, I just list them one by one, suggest a reason, and ask for medicine if I need it. This system has made my appointments very simple. I strongly suggest to all pregnant women that if you are having multiple problems a list with symptoms is much easier to deal with than a long drawn out conversation where you are trying to figure out if you remember every thing.

Example List
1. Rash Under Breast
2. Craving Ice and Dirt
-Check for Iron Deficiency
3. Late Term Nausea and Vomiting

I'm being a bit playful, but this should give you an idea of what I mean. Try it during your next doctor's appointment and see if it makes things easier for you.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Newborn Care Class

Last night my husband and I went to a newborn care class. It was important to me because my husband has no nieces and nephews. As we talked with the nurse and doctor, I began to feel as if I was the only one there who had ever been around small children. I have a large family and many friends with children. It never occurred to me that many people are so focused on their personal lives that they don't interact with others much more. But I digress. The basics of the class covered, feeding, umbilical care, washing, clothing, medical care and crying. I was very proud of how well my husband interacted with the doll but he was extremely slow. I reminded him that sometimes he will need to take on the responsibility alone and hopefully he catches a little speed as he becomes more experienced. An interesting topic that I enjoyed was why and how we swaddle babies. It's mainly for calming the child down, but should only be done the first couple of weeks. Below are some simple directions for swaddling your fussy newborn.

How to Swaddle
1. Fold one corner of your blanket down.
2. Place your baby in the middle of the fold.
3. Pull the left side across the baby's chest, then lift your baby's left arm and tuck the blanket under the body.
4. Bring the bottom of the blanket up and tuck it into the first swathe.
6. Pull the last corner of the blanket across the baby's chest, securing the left arm near the body.
7. Tuck the blanket under your baby's back as far as it will go.

If you are having trouble, go the this link and follow the pictures.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Gas Relief

I have been severely uncomfortable for over a week now but thought it was due to the baby being too large. Yesterday I vomited, urinated on myself, and had diarrhea. I was convinced that during my next appointment I was going to request an induction due to the effect this was having on me mentally. It occurred to me that my digestive system had not produced much waste lately besides the diarrhea. I purchased a case of fiber (and iron) laced nutrition drinks and ate a fiber bar. Without being gross, I must say that I feel very well today. All the pressure has been released, I'm not as thirsty as I have been and I'm able to move around the house comfortably (at least for now). This is not the first time I have had severe constipation during my pregnancy, but it was months ago and it slipped my mind. I am 36 weeks today (38 wks from my records) and I feel that I'm going to make it to the birthing process without extra medical intervention. Tonight we go to our newborn care class and I couldn't be happier.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Water Baby

I've been drinking like a horse for the past month. There is no point during the day where I do not have a cup by my side. It has to be cold and filled with ice. I prefer to drink slushies all day, but I don't have the energy to make them every hour. I get up at night to release the pressure on my bladder, yet with each bathroom trip I have to tackle another gulp of water. Recently I've also noticed that I want to drop to the ground and eat dirt. Back where I am originally from, I could ask an old lady to supply me with edible chalk, but as I'm a city girl now there aren't many people here who are even aware of what I am talking about. I have a suspicion that an iron deficiency is lurking about, so I will have the doctor check my hemoglobin this week. I really don't want to take an iron supplement (even within a multivitamin) but I know I have to do what is necessary to maintain a healthy body for me and my baby.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Late Pregnancy Fatigue

Today I am extremely tired and out of breath. Every one told me that late pregnancy would be uncomfortable, but this is a bit much for my body. It took me 2 hours just to shower and put on clothes. Now that I have done that I still have to take care of my teeth and brush my hair; but all I want to do is lie down in the bed again. (20 minute Pause). Ok now I'm back from brushing my teeth and I'm sitting her with the hair brush in front me until I get another surge of energy. I'm very blessed because I work from home. It truly amazes me that there isn't a standard maternity leave policy (that offers monetary benefits) in the US for working women. However American attitudes may contribute to the lack of care. Someone made a silly comment to me a few weeks ago because they did not want me to park in the handicap space. "You're not disabled, you're just pregnant." Pardon moi, but I don't know of any illness where you vomit for 40 weeks, pee on yourself, experience shortness of breath, back pain, trouble sleeping, abdominal discomfort, heartburn, swelling, depression, and extreme fatigue that would not qualify a person for some form of short term disability. I have a few additional problems that came with the "onset" of pregnancy but luckily the handicap decal enables me to make a short walk with my cane to at least get inside the store and sit down before I get a buggy for shopping. When you have time, read following article: U.S. stands apart from other nations on maternity leave. Right now, I'm feeling very sleepy so I think I will put the hair brush to the side until my nap is over.

Friday, November 23, 2007

Baby Hair Care

I recently saw a hair question on a mom's board about the hair care of a child. The baby is biracial and has African American hair. The mom is Caucasian and is having difficulty maintaining the hair. Here are some tips for maintaining hair of African origin.

*Consult with a licensed hair professional that has experience with your child's hair type.

1. Do not wash the hair daily. Weekly is acceptable.
2. Use a moisturizing shampoo and apply a leave in conditioner after washing the hair.
3. Section the hair and comb from end to root (bottom to top)
4. Moisturize the hair daily with a natural oil but don't be afraid to try different products to find out what suits your child best.
(Most people avoid petroleum based products but they can be very useful under particular circumstances.)
5. Cover the hair at night with a satin cap to hold in moisture.

These are just a few basic tips for taking care of your little one's hair. If you are at a complete loss, as always let the professionals handle it.

Kinki Kreations: A Parent's Guide to Natural Black Hair Care for Kids

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving

All I can say is gobble gobble. I hope the baby isn't suffering from a diabetic coma.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Prenatal Vitamins Made Me Sick So...

Before my pregnancy and up to 12 weeks after my pregnancy I took standard prenatal vitamins. I was terribly sick, so my doctor told me to stop taking them and make sure I eat healthy. About 2 weeks ago he requested that I start taking them again and wrote a prescription. I had flashbacks and a all panic attack at the thought of being bed ridden again. I decided that there must be an alternative. A church member told me that she had taken flintstone vitamins during her pregnancy and it worked well for her. I made a beeline for the local walmart pharmacy to find a tasty vitamin that would not cause me to lose my happiness. It was amazing to see the variety of candy flavored supplements available. As soon as I saw the gummi bears, I knew that this was the answer to my problem. Every day I take 2 (per the directions for adults) and it is just like taking candy. The main thing missing is Iron. That is great for me because that is what caused my constipation early on. I eat a very healthy and varied diet so I'm not concerned about malnutrition, but I at least wanted to be cooperative with the health care I am currently receiving. Of course this may not be right for you, but check with your OBGYN any way if you aren't taking anything.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Baby Showers are Big Business

I decided to catch up with a with a friend last night and to my surprise they begin to discuss my baby shower without any provocation from me. I must say that I should have been prepared for their viewpoint on the possibility of the occasion being a disaster, but I tried to dismiss their pessimism for their normal personality. Despite having every thing I need for my little bundle of joy and only looking at this as a family get together, I decided to inform my sisters of this person's comments. Even before the silence ensued, I could sense the person on the end of the phone line turning red with rage. Needless to say, my little one may end up with more than the nursery can hold as well as a reputation of having the most glamorous baby shower in all of history. I have been to many of these events and never realized that they are just as competitive as bridal showers. I'm a new mom to be and I'm slowly learning about the "rules of engagement" in these matters. Dear Lord just help me through it all.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Does the baby weigh more than a ham?

Earlier today the baby was growling for a bite to eat, so my neighbor fixed turkey sandwiches for everyone. After talking to her for while about the pros and cons of inducing labor before the Christmas holiday, we go out to do some Thanksgiving grocery shopping. I wobble my pregnant belly over to the cashier, pay for my items and realize that my bill was a little high. After perusing the receipt, I discover that the ham my neighbor thought was eight dollars turned out to be $15!!. I laugh and we are directed to customer service. I smiled and told the representative that they should not charge such high prices for a piece of meat and that I would like a refund. He promptly does some tricky math gives me back a little over $8 and tells us to keep the ham. I don't know if it was her good looks or "the customer is always right" attitude; but I said thank you and goodbye before he changed his mind.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Free Clothes

I received a $10 Kohl's gift card in the mail and decided to use it before it expired. So my husband and I go to the store and I find a sesame street pajama set priced at $9.60. I get to the register and the clothes are completely free (no tax). So later in the evening, I'm happily wearing my pajamas, snug as a bug in the bed and what happens. I begin having braxton hicks contractions. I talked to the baby for a while and told him/her to please wait because I have so many things scheduled up until the first week in December. Things calmed down a bit after that, but I've noticed a lot of lower vaginal squirming today. I sure hope the baby relaxes a bit because although I am physically ready to get this over with, my schedule seems to be booked for a little while. LOL.

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Saturday Morning

So I wake up this morning and ask my husband for a glass of water and a slice of toast with grape jelly. Fifteen minutes pass and he comes back with a glass of water and 2 cold pieces of toast slathered with grape jam. He rushes down stairs to watch cartoons while I take a bite of his half hearted attempt at granting my request. Finally I get out of bed, take a bath, start some laundry, then wobble downstairs to fix a bowl of honeycombs. I soon realize that the pain I've been feeling in my left pelvic region is still present. I sit at the dining table thinking about all the smiling images of mothers to be in magazines and on t.v.

Pregnancy Freebies

Doesn't she look radiant and happy to be pregnant. I gather she is smiling because she knows that its only a pillow and excited about the modeling fee after the shoot is over. Her doctor has not informed her the source of her pelvic pain is the baby "dropping down" and that pelvic pressure is normal. I know the difference between pain and pressure and this is definitely a pain that I can pin point with my index finger. Oh well, the cane seems to help a lot when I use it. Let's hope that I didn't pull any thing by accident.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Bare Minimum Checklist for Newborn Baby

Car Seat
Crib (mattress, sheets)
Diapers (Cloth or Disposable)
Wipes (Cloth or Disposable)
Baby Powder
Hypoallergenic Soap
Lotion and/or Oil
Diaper Rash Ointment
Receiving Blankets
Suitable Clothes (for the season)
Bottles and Nipples (if not breastfeeding)
Nasal Aspirator
Newborn or Stage 1 diapers

Getting Closer

According to the doctor I'm 34 weeks, however my calculations show that I am really 36 weeks. Any who, I took my dollar tree cane and handicap tag then drove myself to Walmart to pick up some much needed groceries. I do not trust my husband to buy anything because he only goes for name brand items. With the baby coming, I am saving all I can just in case there is a problem with my breast milk or any other unexpected occurrences. Doesn't it just make you jealous to see your good neighbor getting all that stuff on the WIC program? If you make too much, you aren't eligible for anything, but if you don't make squat you are barely getting by. Oh well that is my rant for today.