Thursday, January 8, 2009

Copycat Parents

Have you had to deal with a copycat parent? You know the the one I'm talking about. She buys every new toy that you buy your child, she starts adjusting her child's learning activities to yours, she even starts to copy your home life. What to do? Although you may struggle with the decision to be around this person, it is much better to end your relationship. Please note that I did not say distance yourself, I said END THE RELATIONSHIP. If you continue to associate with the person, you will subject yourself to unhealthy emotional stress, exhibit competitive behavior, and second guess the development of your child. Every parent experiences a little of this, but when you are around someone on the extreme end of the spectrum, you must let the person go. You may feel guilty about separating your child from their friend and you may feel as if you are not trying hard enough. However, allow a few weeks to pass, and a spirit of peace will enter your heart to let you know you did the right thing. Please leave a comment if you have ever experienced this situation.