Wednesday, July 8, 2009

What should my child know?

Many of my family and friends ask if I am going to home school my daughter because of the structured education that I offer during weekdays. I always tell them "No, but she will be well prepared when she starts school." I set designated skill days for my daughter each week. This began when she was about 4 months and has changed as she has developed. Once she has mastered a skill, I review the skill twice a week and help her practice a new skill on certain days. Currently we have:

Math Monday
Spanish Tuesday
Bible Study Wednesday
Reading Thursday

I am going to review some of the things that I do for each day in subsequent posts. However listed below is an example of her current cognitive skill set.
-Points to body parts when asked
-Points to colors when asked
-Points to numbers
-Points to letters when asked
-Verbally identify many objects
-Verbally counts (as she can best say the numbers)
-Verbally identify colors (as she can best say the color)
-Verbally telling me she needs a diaper change ("I boo boo")
-Ask 3 to 5 questions without prompt
-Responds to questions (obeying the command, by pointing, saying yes, no, or i don't know, or crying)
-Say Hello and Goodbye without prompt (picks up on social cues)
-Plays well alone
-Identifies some written words (probably memorization)
- Placing large puzzle pieces in correct spot
- Doing the appropriate age activities (stacking blocks, sorting, throwing and kicking ball, etc)

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