Sunday, June 22, 2008

Teething Remedies

* Please consult your child's pediatrician before trying any of these remedies

10 Teething Remedies

1. Wet 1/4 of a washcloth and allow it to chill in the refrigerator
2. Buy a gel or water filled teething ring and allow it to chill in the refrigerator
3. Infant Tylenol (Consult Pediatrician for dosage)
4. Teething Tablets
5. Teething Powder
6. Teething Pacifier
7. Chamomille
8. Baby Orajel
9. Rub your child's gum with your index finger until you hear them make a "squeaking" sound
10. If all else fails just let your little one eat the the sheets, your clothes and their clothes

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