Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Losing Pregnancy Weight

Today I weighed myself. To my surprise, not only have I lost all of my pregnancy weight, but an extra 5 pounds as well. I gained somewhere between 11 to 15 pounds during my pregnancy so there wasn't much to lose. Since I haven't been able to do much moving around due to the cesarean surgery, I know that breastfeeding has been the source of this silver lining. Ladies if you are able to breastfeed even a little, DO IT. It's beneficial to the baby and as you can see it's beneficial to mommy as well.

My Top 5 Reasons for Breastfeeding
5. Milk is ready and warm immediately
4. Minimizes uterine bleeding and may delay onset of period
3. Helps Mommy lose pregnancy weight
2. It's the most nutritious food for human infants
1. It's FREE

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