Saturday, December 15, 2007

Cesearean or C-section Maybe

I'm becoming very anxious about Monday. I've decided to read a bit about the process of a cesarean in case I am required to have one. I'm comfortable in knowing that my doctor performs the "bikini cut." The incision will run the length of my ring finger to my wrist. That isn't very large at all. I fully understand that this is major surgery, but the consequences of not having one might be deadly for me and the baby. If the umbilical cord is squeezed because of the complete breech position, little oxygen is delivered to the baby and brain damage may result. That reason alone is enough to make me realize that it's worth me being cut and confined for a few weeks. I plan to be back by the end of the week, so don't worry if there aren't any posts for a few days. Here is a good read if you are going through a similar experience.

The Essential C-Section Guide: Pain Control, Healing at Home, Getting Your Body Back and Everything Else Youneed to Know about a Cesarean Birth

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